Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Emailing the true believers

I've spent the last couple of nights emailing everyone who has done the Sydney Body Art Ride before. Man it's hard to read people's hand writing some times. A lot of the emails bounce and then I have to puzzle over them and try again. There are a lot of riders who didn't put an email address, do you think we should be ringing or writing to them?

If you got one of my emails Great! Let me know. Leave a comment or send me an email.

Hope you are organising some sponsors too, things are a bit slow in that department so please take a minute to do it.
It really is very simple to do. SBAR is lots of fun and it's an amazing spectacle but remember we are trying to raise money to help children which is a pretty serious issue.

Another great thing you can do is tell your friends, send them this postcard or print out the poster and stick it up at work.

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