A new work called The Base by contemporary artist Spencer Tunick will be one of the highlights of next year's Mardi Gras with thousands of locals and visitors expected to participate nude in one of his signature art installations on March 1st 2010.
Those wishing to shed their clothes for art on 1st March 2010 should sign-up here.
Michael made the film about Sue the woman who fought the helmet law in court.
Apparently Michael has a new film about the vexed issue of how to introduce a bike share scheme in a country that forces you to wear a helmet when you're riding a bike.
Personally I think the best solution is to exempt people from wearing helmets if they are riding a share bike but I have seen one possible solution that might satisfy everyone. the stash helmet.
(you need to scroll down a bit)
What I really don't understand is why motorists don't have to wear helmets. Have a look at this press release:
Head injuries to car drivers and passengers could be reduced by as much as 25% if they wore light protective helmets or even padded headbands, according to a research report released today by the Federal Office of Road Safety (FORS).
The report presents findings from a two-year study on head and brain injuries among car occupants. It was jointly conducted by the NHMRC Road Accident Research Unit (University of Adelaide) and the Monash University Accident Research Centre.
The study found that bicycle-style helmets would be as effective as driver airbags in preventing head injuries, and would provide considerably greater head protection than many other in-vehicle options, such as improved interior padding, side-impact airbags or advanced seat-belt designs.
Professor Jack McLean, head of the Road Accident Research Unit, said that use of protective headwear could be a particularly valuable safety option for people with older cars, but even drivers with airbags would benefit significantly from the added protection.
While full helmets would provide the greatest safety benefits, Dr McLean's detailed study of head injuries found that specially designed headbands could offer an innovative and practical alternative.
The proposed headbands would apply padding to the front and sides of the head. where most impacts occur. They would be lighter, cooler and less bulky than a conventional helmet.
A FORS spokesperson emphasised that protective headwear was being put forward as a voluntary measure only. "Car occupants are already better protected than cyclists or motorcyclists. But this research shows that safety could be improved quite a lot by using simple, low cost head protection. We are publishing these results so that the community can make informed choices."
Head injuries to vehicle occupants account for almost half of all injury costs from passenger car crashes. Beside the costs in human suffering, this represents a monetary cost to the community of about $1.5 billion per year.
The research report will be given to Australian helmet designers and manufacturers.
Copies of the report, Prevention of Head Injuries to Car Occupants: An Investigation of Interior Padding Options (CR 160), are available from the Federal Office of Road Safety by phoning (02) 6274 7185.