Art plays a crucial role in social struggle - illustrating and inspiring the power of social movements.
While the APEC politicians discuss how best to silence dissent, prolong the oil wars and profit from environmental devastation, come and feast your eyes on the alternative Art that inspires and demands Action!

Some of the most stunning posters are from the artist collectives which operated in the 1980s out of the (then squatted) Sydney Uni Tin Sheds. Powerful, eloquent and moving, these full colour posters use silk screening craft and artistic techniques unique to Australia which have rarely been used since.
Let the walls speak!
The opening night is onWednesday 5th September from 6pm, with talks by some of the originalartists at 6.30pm, food and drinks available. After that it will be open 10am till 7pm weekdays, and 10am to 4pm weekends,except closed the 7th, 8th and 9th.
5th to 19th of September.
Sydney Uni, Holme Building, The Bevery. (Near the footbridge over Parramatta Rd)
Entry is by donation. And all proceeds will go to preserving the posters, which may not survive for another thirty years otherwise.